Meet Keylabs at CVPR in Seattle!

Jun 7, 2024

Get ready for a whirlwind of cutting-edge machine vision and pattern recognition research – Keylabs is thrilled to announce our participation at CVPR 2024! Meet us at Booth 1918 for the expo on June 19-21. Of course, our team will be there earlier for the workshops and tutorials starting on the 17th. Give us a shout if you’re in the area!

A Hub of Inspiration and Collaboration

IEEE’s Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference is renowned for high-caliber research presentations, covering a vast spectrum of computer vision applications.

From ground-breaking advancements in object detection and image segmentation to the latest breakthroughs in medical imaging and autonomous vehicles, CVPR serves as a launchpad for the future of the field. Most importantly, it’s just a fun opportunity to meet great people and learn about cool projects!

Meeting Fellow Visionaries

We're excited to connect with like-minded researchers, developers, and industry leaders who share our passion for pushing the boundaries of computer vision. Whether you're a seasoned expert or just starting your journey in this dynamic field, CVPR offers unparalleled opportunities for collaboration and knowledge exchange.

As usual, giants in the fields of AI, machine learning, data science, and all the others you keep hearing about will be at the conference hall. This includes Google, Microsoft, Meta, and many others. We can’t wait to share experiences with the best of the best!

What to Look Forward To at Keylabs' Booth

At Keylabs' booth 1918, you'll have the chance to:

  • Meet our team: Our team will include software engineers and experts in all things data labeling. We’re happy to discuss how we can help various industries and explore potential collaborations!
  • Learn about our platform: We'll be showcasing our annotation tools, demonstrating Keylabs’ full potential, and generally talking about the role of data in machine vision.
  • Networking: We’re coming to connect with fellow visionaries, share ideas, and forge valuable partnerships. Why not grab a coffee?

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the future of machine vision and stay tuned for more updates!

Keylabs Demo


Keylabs: Pioneering precision in data annotation. Our platform supports all formats and models, ensuring 99.9% accuracy with swift, high-performance solutions.

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